
About Us

GG Property Services focuses on management of apartments, condos, and manufactured housing communities throughout New Jersey. We specialize in full-service residential property management. Our expertise in accounting services, rent collection, leasing, and vendor management sets us apart. Our experienced team includes CPAs and lawyers with over 30 years of experience in dealing with tenants and all types of housing. Our unique expertise in accounting and property management coupled with our highly trained team allows us to meet your needs. We are also extremely flexible to adapt to our clients’ needs.

We provide outstanding property management services to help landlords with their assets and tenants to have a peaceful enjoyment. With our accounting and property management technology, and our experience in implementing controls in businesses, we work to reduce the chance of error and fraud.
At GG Property Services our mission to ensure that each property receives the attention it requires, while minimizing interruption for landlords and tenants.

Our Services


We produce both monthly and on demand statements for landlords that illustrate the transactions and value of the investment so that there are no surprises.

Rent collection

Tenants can pay online (ACH or credit/debit card), at our office, or by mail (check).  We allow all kinds of payments to ensure we collect money from our tenants in a timely basis.

Vendor coordination

We manage all vendors from beginning to end. We obtain budgets, coordinate activities, ensure jobs are completed as expected, and manage these payments.

Legal support

We have experienced attorneys, CPAs and other real estate  professionals that can provide excellent legal support.

Tenant Screening

For every prospective tenant, we complete full background checks including criminal background check, job verification (if applicable), eviction records, and credit checks.

Marketing & Advertising

We aim to help property owners minimize vacancy and maximize collections.  We focus on tracking leads and help finding good matches for each property.


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